Katana Sorensen: Blazing Trails of SERVICE and SALES


Guardian Realty is proud to introduce our newest team member Katana Sorensen! Katana brings such a lively and optimistic nature to her business; coupled with great experience and people skills, she is sure to impress all those who are wise enough to hire her. That’s why we’re introducing her with a bit of flare: below are 9 INTERESTING FACTS about THE Mrs. Katana Sorensen***enthusiastic clapping and cheering***  


1) Katana, describe yourself in 5 words.

I would say… Passionate, Driven, Faithful, Compassionate and Honest.

2) What is the craziest experience you’ve had in real estate?

I have had a couple crazy real estate experiences involving dogs.  One house was vacant but the “house sitter” decided to leave their dog there alone for a few hours one day.  When I showed the house there were several spots where the dog had done its business on the carpet.  The “house sitter” didn’t even think to check for messes before picking up the dog. It smelled terrible and my clients were less than impressed. Needless to say, they did NOT submit an offer on that one.

I have also been chased by dogs at multiple houses. Yes, I am now THAT agent that shows up at a listing that has a fully fenced yard and shakes the fence to see if any “unexpected” company is here to  welcome me and my clients.  (Hey, at least it makes me and the clients feel safer! 😊)

3) What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?

I almost totally cut the circulation off on one of my fingers once by putting a zip tie on and then tightening it.  I thought that if I pulled it tight enough it would disengage and I could back it back off.  Found out zip ties don’t work like that. Doh! Won’t be doing THAT again!

4) Where has been your favorite place to live and why?

My favorite place to live has been in Georgetown.  While living here my family and I have been able to create an environment where we can play together, learn together, work together, and most of all Love.  Love each other and love our life.  People in Bear Lake County and Caribou County have become our friends from day one.

5) What is the most awkward thing that happens to you on a regular basis?

My kiddos love to be picked up and held.  When they are reaching for me it usually entails a shirt or pants getting tugged a little lower than comfort level. This is especially bothersome when we’re in public. Especially when I don’t notice what they’ve done! Haha

6) What is the craziest feature you’ve seen in a home you were showing to clients?

Once I saw 2 toilets installed directly across from each other in the same bathroom. I love my husband, but this Queen sits on a throne in private. No need to partner-up during those ventures!

7) Why did you become a REALTOR?

There were 2 major experiences in my life that helped me to make the decision to be a Realtor 1) I grew up in a self-employed home.  I was taught from a young age to be self-disciplined, persistent, create a clear sense of direction, and then to take action.  2) Before real estate I worked in Nursing and realized that I really enjoy connecting with people.  When I was injured while working in the medical field, I had to make some life-changing decisions.  I decided to combine my love for entrepreneurship with my love to connect with people and became a Realtor.  I knew that as I loved and served other people I would in-turn create my dream of having a successful business.  Since then that is exactly what I have done. I am living my dreams!

8) Why did you choose to join the Guardian Realty team? What can people expect from you as an agent?

I chose to join Guardian Realty to work directly with Alana.  From day one she was someone that I wanted to have on my team.  I felt my personality was a match for this company when I learned that the company values were Integrity, Communication, and Market Expertise.  Nothing had to change about my core business beliefs. I just gained a super awesome friend and mentor.

9) Who or where would you haunt if you were a ghost?

First of all, I hope that I am never a ghost charged with the task of haunting someone.  I like to be busy and productive with fulfilling tasks and jobs.  So, I don’t think I would make a very good ghost.

If I had to choose… I would haunt someone who was drinking. From my experience working in the hospital and observing others, people make some pretty funny, wild decisions when they are under the influence of alcohol.  I have seen a friend do a flashlight puppet show while camping that was pretty awesome.  I have seen patients use food to propose to nurses.  Neither of which had any recollection of what they had done the next morning. That would be really entertaining to watch!

Katana Sorensen - Realtor

Katana Sorensen is the newest Realtor working for Guardian Realty in Idaho.

Guardian Realty Team

Teamwork with the Guardian Realty Team in Idaho