Erika Dannelly brings a world of experience with her to the real estate industry, and I mean that literally. She brings a vast knowledge of homes to her career that stems from life lived in South Africa, several regions within the United States, and now southeast Idaho. Her college degree in Communications (with an emphasis on Marketing and Public Relations), as well as her professional experience within the real estate marketing industry, have prepared her for the competitive real estate market she is now joining. She is an interpersonal socialite, so she ticks all the boxes for being a person who you’d want to spend time with while buying or selling a home/property; and she’s smart as a whip, so she’ll have your back with negotiating and paperwork prep for your transactions as well! Get to know her a little better by reading through her answers below and give her a call for any of your real estate needs in Southeast Idaho!

1) Describe yourself in 5 words. Organized, Detail-oriented, Passionate, Loyal, Stubborn

2) What is the craziest experience you’ve had in real estate?
Being a first-time homebuyer in a market that we couldn’t afford — oh the stories I have from this experience!
3) What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured? 
When I was 6 years old I jumped off a platform to try to reach a 6′ pull up bar. I intended to grab it and start doing pull ups. Instead, my fingers barely grasped the bar and I fell 6 feet to the ground, landed wrong, and broke both my arms. Ouch!

4) Where has been your favorite place to live and why? I can’t choose! Arizona because it’s home; South Africa because it was an INCREDIBLE experience living abroad; Fayetteville, Arkansas because it is absolutely lovely there; Soda Springs because it is where I’m putting down roots and it feels so good.

5) What is the most awkward thing that happens to you on a regular basis? 
Trying to make small talk — I’m terrible at it. I don’t like it. I want to have meaningful conversations and connect with people. Small talk is just awkward and exhausts me.
6) Why did you become a REALTOR? 
I have always loved homes. When I was a young girl, I would draw out elaborate illustrations of my dream home floor plans. In the past, when I was bored I’d open Zillow and just peruse listings for fun. I’ve always dreamed of being a licensed real estate agent but it was never practical to make it a reality because I move too often. Soda Springs is now a permanent home base for my family and I so I finally made my dream a reality!
7) What’s your worst roommate or houseguest story? 
One time I had a roommate who moved home in the middle of our lease. She still paid her part of the monthly rent, but when it came time to move, she completely ghosted me and left all her furniture and messes in the apartment. I got charged for the furniture removal fees and the cleaning fees, even though they weren’t mine. She never paid me back, even though I hounded her about it for over a year, and we never spoke again. Be careful who you choose to live with!
8) Why did you choose to join the Guardian Realty team? What can people expect from you as an agent? 
I love what Guardian Realty stands for, what their mission is. As an agent, I intend to serve my clients with the highest level of integrity, as well as provide exceptional communication, market expertise, and a standard of service that is unparalleled in the realty industry in Southeast Idaho.
9) Who or where would you haunt if you were a ghost? 
Somewhere warm — I belong in the heat, dead or alive.