Ellie is a serial entrepreneur with dreams bigger than almost anyone I’ve ever met: she puts the hours in to become the best at what she does and she brings an energy and enthusiasm to each of her endeavors that makes working alongside her a joy. She is a force for good in this world and she will surely bring momentum and progress into the lives of those who entrust her to help them with their real estate needs. I’m sure she will work tirelessly to impress everyone she works with and for, and I am so proud to add her into the Guardian Realty family! Read her answers to this brief questionnaire below to get a feel for her personality and the unique flare she is bringing to our area!


  1. Describe yourself in 5 words. Detail-oriented, kind, problem solver, honest, and outgoing.
  2. What is the craziest experience you’ve had in real estate? The craziest experience I have had in real estate would have to be, being married and needing to buy a house when the market was at an all-time high. It is always a great time to buy a home, even in a crazy market you can find the right deal for you. I am living proof of that, and just sold that home and bought my second home at 21 years old!
  3. What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured? I’ve only broken one bone in my life, and it wasn’t that wild of story. When I was 6 I fell out of my parent’s living quarters trailer and broke my collar bone. Because I was young and didn’t like having to wear a sling, my collar bone still has a bump from healing.
  4. Where has been your favorite place to live and why? My favorite place would have to be where I currently live, in Soda Springs, ID. The winters can be a little hard with the snow, but wow, does it make for incredibly beautiful summers that only Soda Springs has to offer! The weather is amazing and the area is always so green. I love being able to enjoy my horses and dogs with my husband in these beautiful surroundings.
  5. What is the most awkward thing that happens to you on a regular basis? I am the type of person who doesn’t get embarrassed or made to feel awkward very easily, but I would have to say the most awkward thing to happen to me on a daily basis would be people being surprised that I am married because of getting married at a young age. Most people are surprised to hear my actual age, because of my height along with looking young. My mom alway says, one day I will be grateful for looking young!
  6. What is the craziest feature you have seen in a house? The craziest feature I have seen in a house would have to be on the home my parents are currently building. This is a good a “crazy” feature: it is a beautiful, large, free standing fireplace on the outside porch of their home. It will be a gathering place for roasting marshmallows and fun for the family. It looks amazing and is so impressive!
  7. Why did you become a REALTOR? I became a realtor because I am very much a people-person. I love communicating and building relationships, along with helping people. Because I am a young homeowner, I want to be an advocate for others, sharing the message that “now” is the time to buy your home or invest in real estate. You don’t have to be a certain age, or feel like home ownership isn’t an option for you. I am excited to show young couples, single people and families that their dreams of becoming property or homeowners is possible!
  8. What’s your worst roommate or houseguest story? This is a story of a time when I was the bad roommate. I have 3 sisters in my family, and I shared a room with my youngest sister since she was little. I was in High School and put self tanner on, and then went to bed like normal with my sister in the bed we shared. I woke up to my arm across her face, and saw that my self tanner had transferred from my arm to her face. She still had to go to elementary school that day. We still laugh and joke about this story!
  9. Why did you choose to join the Guardian Realty team? What can people expect from you as an agent? I chose to join the Guardian Realty team to be supported by a great group of team members. They are a group of strong women, that are the kind of people I want to be surrounded by when it comes to my real estate dealings. Great communication, ambition, and being detail-oriented is very important to me, so it was important to have those qualities in a brokerage as well. People can expect from me as an agent, to have their needs and best interests as my top priority. I want their transactions and deals to be simple, smooth, and as stress-free as I can make it for them. Home buying and selling shouldn’t be stressful, but rather an exciting time of transformation. I strive to do provide an enjoyable and memorable experience for my clients!
  10. Who and where would you haunt if you were a ghost? If I was a ghost I would haunt my husband. My husband is very much a tease who scares and teases me daily, so I would have to give him payback once I was a ghost and he couldn’t catch me as easily.