Guardian Realty is proud to introduce our newest team member Joseph Messerly! His voracious appetite for business and continued learning is inspiring and we know he will serve the local community so well! Welcome to the team Joseph! We’re excited to see you rock it in this real estate market and to deliver upscale service to our community unlike any they’ve experienced before! Read below to get a feel for Joseph’s personality and his unique take on the real estate industry. – Alana


1) Joseph, describe yourself in 5 words.

Driven, Outgoing, Ethical, Personable, Hungry

2) What is the craziest experience you’ve had in real estate? 

I haven’t had a ton of crazy experiences within the real estate world but I would say it felt pretty crazy to leave my brokerage in Idaho Falls to return to Soda Springs and start a crew down here after just a single conversation with my wife. Spontaneous much?!

3) What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured? 

The dumbest way I’ve been injured was definitely while I was serving my church service mission in Virginia. I had broken my bike so I needed to borrow a different missionary’s bike. That other missionary was quite a bit smaller than I was so the bike wasn’t nearly as big as it should’ve been for a person my size. When I started riding it I was pedaling to get up to speed and I leaned forward slightly as we were going up a hill. The bike tipped and I flipped over the handle bars because I was too big. It all went downhill from there… Haha!

4) Where has been your favorite place to live and why? 

Soda Springs has definitely been my favorite place to live! I love the location of our small town. It’s not too far or close to Pocatello, ID and Logan, UT. I always feel like I have opportunities do fun things, but we’re still far enough away from both places that we don’t have to deal with any of their traffic.

5) What is the most awkward thing that happens to you on a regular basis? 

I constantly get water clogged in my ear! It will stay in my ear for hours no matter what I do to try and get it out; which leaves me constantly asking, “What?” to everyone around me because I can’t hear anything except water sloshing around in my ear. It’s so trivial but irritating.

6) What is the craziest feature you’ve seen in a home you were showing to clients? 

I haven’t shown anything too crazy yet, but the most interesting thing was probably a man who completely remodeled his basement to be a workshop area. The only reason this is funny is because it was against the rules for the H.O.A. so he told us he had to fix everything before selling it.

7) Why did you become a Realtor? 

I became a Realtor because I wanted to be part of an organization of people in business that had to follow high standards. Ethics is something that has always been and always will be important to me, especially in business. I would never want to be known for working with or being part of something that isn’t up to the standards that this Realtor organization has set.

8) What’s your worst roommate or houseguest story? 

My wife is the only roommate I’ve ever had so I don’t have a worst story! *Clears throat*

9) Why did you choose to join the Guardian Realty team? What can people expect from you as an agent? 

I chose to work with Guardian Realty because I previously shadowed Alana and saw the way she conducted herself in every transaction. I knew instantly that hers was a real estate team I wanted to be a part of!

10) Who or where would you haunt if you were a ghost?

If I was a ghost I would definitely haunt the trails at Kelly Park in Soda Springs. I ran so many miles and spent so much time in that park throughout middle school and high school that it just feels right to station my ghost-self there…. I’m not going to lie, it can be a creepy place to run in the dark! It would also be fun to haunt because then I could help everyone else that runs through there go a little bit faster! Ha!