Guardian Realty is proud to announce our support and backing of a project that will bring shade structures to the Maverik Caribou CommUNITY Playground in Soda Springs, ID! We have had the privilege to help with fundraising money for the creation of the playground in years past, and have also participated in volunteer park maintenance days since it was built, but we would now to like to spearhead support for the playground’s next development! If you’ve taken your children to this fabulous play area during the hot weather months I am sure you have experienced sweltering heat! My own children complain and suffer through the direct heat from the sun, touching the hot playground equipment, as well as the heat emanating up through the shoes from the rubber surfacing. It’s HOT! Wouldn’t shade be so helpful?! We think so! Check out our explanation video by clicking on the link below. Let us know if you would like to contribute or join our cause! Guardian Realty is also proud to announce that we obtained a $5,000 grant from the Idaho Realtors Association to use for this project and we are so grateful for their support and love of our community! Below is also a photo of a rendering for a design being considered. This is not finalized and is still very much under development by playground shade engineers and the engineers with the City of Soda Springs.

Maverik Caribou Community Playground